Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines food and hearts

Veronicas room 14 to 15 feb 12 032Veronicas room 14 to 15 feb 12 037 Veronicas room 14 to 15 feb 12 005 Veronicas room 14 to 15 feb 12 008 Veronicas room 14 to 15 feb 12 009 Veronicas room 14 to 15 feb 12 014 Veronicas room 14 to 15 feb 12 025

Happy Valentines day from Yesterday! For Valentines I ate and made alot of hearts. I              made apple pie with a heart cutout at the top with hand picked apples from a farm thing               I went to with the fambamily. I also made heart shaped cookies. I made some more and            put royal icing (premade) but ate them at school but I used leftover dough to make                these! And I made paper hearts from a tutorial from a tumblr called “heartgrenade”.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


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(left; my cousins drawing of a ‘mockingjay’ he gave me for Christmas. right; my drawing of a ‘mockingjay’)


(The poster my cousin gave me for Christmas in empire magazine)

Ghosts of paintings past.

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These are my paintings (which I have found) that I had given up on. I LOVED LOVED the first one but the black background was hard so I gave up. The second just didnt suit me. I painted over that one and made an ugly collage using magazine clippings from a graphic design magazine. The last was just a random exploration. hahahaa